Gyroscope Newsletter: April

A preview of the new Gyroscope Superintelligence!

Anand Sharma


A few months ago, we shared our roadmap and our vision for the next few decades. Fully intelligent AI coaches improving human longevity seemed like a distant dream, something we might achieve after raising millions of dollars and employing hundreds of engineers…

Since then, a new generation of tools have been released, helping us dramatically accelerate our timeline and move faster than ever before. We decided to skip a few years of the roadmap, diving headfirst into developing the ultimate AI-powered Gyroscope experience we always envisioned.

And now, we’re thrilled to say that it’s working!

We are starting to test our AI insights with our early members to see how it improves their Health Score, and so far the results are very promising.

We’ve also been using AI to improve the app in a few other ways that are now available to everyone in the latest app update, including new free Meditations & Quizzes.

A decade ago I was building a flashcards startup called Quizlet. When I left, I thought I was done with quizzes. But now in the latest Gyroscope update, we’re introducing new AI-assisted quizzes that offer fun and engaging ways for you to learn more about yourself.

You can use these new features to estimate your current longevity and healthspan, learn more about your personality types, or even measure your current insulin resistance. All these new quizzes are now available in the Coach tab!

In the next month we will be adding many more features in Gyroscope, using our unique combination of AI and human coaching (known as Superintelligence Engine) to get you the best results.

In this month’s April newsletter, we dive into…

• The latest Superintelligence Engine and what beta testers are saying
• A look into the new AI-assisted quizzes available in the coach tab (free)
• How the new app update uses AI to optimize your mental health (free!)
• New habits to increase productivity in Gyroscope Labs
• A preview of what is coming next month in Gyroscope V6

The Superintelligence Beta

The connection, expertise and curation from real human experts is always going to be the best experience, so at our highest level (X) we have human coaching, enhanced with data and AI insights like the Health Score.

We have found this combination to work really well, and both parts are necessary.

For example, we solved nutrition with our Food XRAY program, which provides much better results than only human nutritionists or only automated features and tracking. When both work together properly, people get the best results.

Now we are continuing this hybrid approach of coaching, combining data with insights, across all aspects of health in the new Superintelligence Engine.

“I’m starting to understand what all the fuss about AI is about. This is cool.”

- Kenneth

Let’s look a little more into how this works…

With the current set of AI tools, people need to be very proactive and ask the right questions to get useful results.

If you just ask GPT4 how to live longer or be healthy then you would probably get a generic boring answer.

Actually let’s try it now…

Me: I am interested in improving my health and longevity. What should I do today?

ChatGPT: Improving your health and longevity requires a holistic approach, focusing on various aspects of your life. Here are some suggestions for what you can do today:

  1. Nutrition: Make sure to consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Pay attention to portion sizes and avoid processed foods, added sugars, and excessive amounts of sodium.
  2. Exercise: Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Incorporate strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least twice a week.
  3. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. The amount needed varies depending on your activity level, climate, and body size, but a general guideline is to consume at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water daily.
  4. Sleep: Prioritize getting 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and make your sleep environment comfortable and conducive to rest.
  5. Stress management: Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness practices into your daily routine.
  6. Social connections: Stay connected with friends and family, and engage in activities that foster a sense of community and belonging.
  7. Regular check-ups: Schedule routine medical check-ups and screenings to catch potential health issues early.
  8. Avoid harmful habits: Refrain from smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and avoid recreational drug use.
  9. Mental health: Take care of your mental health by engaging in activities that bring you joy, talking to a mental health professional if needed, and practicing self-compassion.
  10. Lifelong learning: Keep your brain healthy and active by continuing to learn new skills and engage in mentally stimulating activities.

Remember that improving your health and longevity is a lifelong journey, and it is essential to stay consistent with these habits over time. It’s never too late to start making positive changes to your lifestyle, and even small steps can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

Me: Thanks!

Great suggestions… But how do you actually do all these?

Not just once but every day? That’s the hard part for most people.

That is why we built Gyroscope.

It’s an interesting coincidence that 9 out of 10 of these things are primary features in Gyroscope.

All of these are complex topics, with guides and trackers in Gyroscope to help you manage them. But learning all these skills can take some time, and mastering them can take an entire lifetime…

To help sequence these, in Gyroscope X we have custom roadmaps.

Custom Roadmaps have been one of the core features of the coaching experience for a few years. A journey that you can embark upon, that will strategically get you gradually closer to (and eventually surpass) your goals. One that is totally unique to you and your challenges.

Each of these chapters includes specific guides and tools in Gyroscope.

Until now, getting a custom roadmap has required an expert coach to build one for you. Typically this happens during the video call, which is the smoothest possible experience.

Soon everyone will have access to their own roadmap, to know what to do next and get a curated plan for how exactly to use Gyroscope to reach their goals.

“Truly blown away by the AI. This is the best use of ChatGPT that I’ve seen. I’m at the point where I’m asking it ever more complicated questions and engaging the AI in conversation and it’s VERY impressive.”

- Joshua

The New Meditations

This weekend I woke up at 5am to attend a zazen meditation at a nearby Zen temple.

It was a great experience, but we don’t expect most people to do that.

The new Meditations screen is one of the first ways we are using AI to make great health accessible to more people. You can access it easily from your Life tab, along with a featured Meditation of the Day that is 100% free.

In Gyroscope V5.17, we are making the benefits of meditation easily accessible to everyone. We’ve made it easier to browse the entire library in Gyroscope, and added many new tools for the common situations people face — can’t sleep, feeling angry or stressed, food cravings, and much more. And since these are so important to human health, we are making these completely free to everyone!

The new version features updated artwork, new content and improved guidance. Soon the app will even understand your current mental state and suggest which one to do next.

The only thing it can’t do is the most important part — actually doing the meditations. Having all the apps and tools on your phone will provide little help if you don’t actually use them, so that will be your next challenge. You will need to take a few minutes to focus and listen and do the meditation in order to get the desired effect.

The app now gives you full access over your brain — starting with measurements through the mood tracker, and then adjustments with the library of meditations and other mindfulness techniques.

Since these are so fundamental to human health and happiness, we have made them 100% free in the app for everyone to use!

How well do you know yourself?

Another new AI-powered benefit you now have is the new Quiz feature.

Each quiz takes 5-10 minutes and asks you a series of simple questions.

At the end, you get your result along with some recommendations of what they mean.

Featured Habits in Gyroscope Labs!

Tracking your life is just the first step.

Once you see your data and get your Health Score, the next question is how to improve it.

To answer that, let’s look at some new habits available in Gyroscope Labs.

Now the app has over 50 great science-based habits ready for you to test out! Many of these habits have been recently mentioned in the Huberman Podcast or Peter Attia newsletter and other places, based on many scientific studies supporting them.

You may have heard about them or been curious how to do them yourself.

However, just because it had a positive study or worked well for someone else doesn’t necessarily mean it will help you. The next step is to test it out yourself and see.

The Labs will guide you to measure the impact these habits have on your health by tracking your correlations during the experiment. Here are a couple new experiments now available in the Labs…

Do you work on your computer and want to be more productive? This is a relatively simple but well-proven habit for better focus.

Learn more

Some studies show this technique to almost double the amount of muscle growth over an 8 week period!

Learn more

Behind the Scenes

This year on our roadmap we have three main stages of the app…

V5: Understanding the human body. New tools and trackers like Health Score, Longevity test and AI quizzes to quantify the health of your body and mind.

V6: Your Personal AI coach. Improving human health through the Superintelligence Engine and giving people full control over their mind and body.

V7: Going deeper into longevity with new metrics and deeper read/write access into what is going on inside your body and mind right now.

One of our focuses this year is to continue to make big changes and improvements to the app without confusing our existing users, but also exploring exciting new ways that we can implement AI technology into the app experience, to work alongside our data and our human coaching team.

We have been testing out some of new AI features in the app for the last few weeks and it has been really mind-blowing. This has never been done before, so there’s a lot to figure out and test before it is ready for release, but so far it is really promising.

It feels similar to the start of the internet, or the first iPhone — one of those things that seems pretty simple, but hard ever go back from once you experience it.

The best part? We’re almost ready to add a few new beta testers to try out the first wave before the public release.

Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or are only recently with us, we appreciate you and can’t wait to share more of what we’ve been working on!

That’s all for April!

Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out more invites to the Superintelligence Beta as we get ready for the new V6 release…

If you are want to be on the cutting edge of health and AI and delegate your daily decision making to a superintelligence to optimize your life, you can learn more here!

