How to connect your Google Fit account

Anand Sharma
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018


We sync steps from Google Fit and generally it works very smoothly, updating dozens of times throughout the day as you walk around.

Occasionally the access to your Google Fit account can expire and needs to be reconnected. We’ll send you an email and show a warning in the app.

If that happens, you need to follow these steps first, to remove the old integration before it can be connected again. Don’t worry, it only takes a minute and is super simple.

Step 1:

View your connected Apps list from this Google page.

Step 2:

Find Gyroscope on that list and click on it

If you don’t see Gyroscope in the list, you’re possibly logged in to the wrong Google account.

Step 3:

Click the “Remove Access” button

Final step:

Go back to Gyroscope Settings on the website — and add Google Fit!

That’s all!

Now you can go back to Gyroscope settings from the Gyroscope website to reconnect your Google Fit account!

